New Limpopo Premier in Waiting

New Limpopo Premier in waiting, Super Moagi: Photo by Raphophi Media

Pan Africanist Congress of Azania says Limpopo citizens must be ready for a new Premier. They are ready to present Super Moagi to Mowaneng Building as the replacement of the current ANC deployee Stan Mathabatha. Despite the political squabbles facing the party, the current leadership believes that they will govern. They says now they are ready to guard on this year's votes ensuring that there is no rigging. 

Their National Chairman Phillip Dhlamini says they laughed at those who cheat votes in South Africa in the past. He said on Friday that they do so in the interest of the people because they cannot fight as they don't believe in a fighting. He says now they will have to guard on votes and they have a method to do so. 
Dhlamini stated that they had been watching when votes are being stolen in the country during the past elections. PAC according to Dhlamini is ready to go to the polls this year and win elections.

"Although we cannot divulge our plans on how we are going to guard this year's votes we will ensure that nothing happened in the past happen again. In the past elections as the PAC never had problems with the number of voters but the problem of how we had to guard the votes," said Dhlamini.

He emphasized that now that votes are approaching in the country, other parties are talking about the land issue. He said when the PAC talks about land theirs is different from what other parties are talking about in the country.

"We had been talking about land issue since 1949 before the formation of the PAC and when we talk about land we mean land must be returned to its rightful owners in the country. We are not talking about conditional matter when we talk about land. The issue of land is unconditional and we say government must empower people for them to be able to work on that land after they get it back. We say land now and all shall follow," he said.

- Raphophi Media


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